First of all, must give a big shout-out to Bob the Builder. My son loves him, and I love our DVR that records and stores episodes so I can always put one on when I need to do something-like make dinner. Don't get me wrong-I try for no or as little TV as possible, except for canning days, but some dinners are better done with Ethan out of my kitchen. Bob to my rescue! I love Bob and think he and Wendy should hook up. Today I was trying to get dinner made and make pizza dough for the YW activity tonight, so of course I turn on Bob. I love listening to Ethan laugh when Spud comes on-great big loud belly laughs. I previously hated Spud and didn't understand what he was doing on the show, until Ethan recently found him to be hilarious.
Anyways, Bob ended and Ethan wandered into his room, said "bye mamma" and closed the door. OK-he needs privacy and I am getting so much more done with him not being in the kitchen. Soon I begin to hear noise...that ominous low grunt, followed by a crash, and sometimes an "oh no!" or "oh-uh!" But really, right now I don't mind, I am getting a lot done, and as long as the destruction is limited to his room, he's already ruined the wallpaper border, so there's not much else he can trash.
After I finish my cooking and clean up of the kitchen, I venture into Ethan's room, where I find he has managed to open his closet door-usually I shut it hard, and because its an old house, the wood sticks and you have to be really strong to open it. Somehow he opened it. Now, the closet is where I stash anything that needs to go uo to the attic next time we open it, as well as bags of clothes that he's outgrown or is about to grow into, as well as some bags of toys because we've been handed down a ridiculous ammount, so I only have about half out at a time and rotate through them. So this is the scene that greeted me when I opened his door:

Do you see the grin on his face?
Good thing he is so cute. Speaking of cute, here he is in his new yard sale-find pajamas playing peek-a-boo with a basket.