Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Nathan, Ethan, my mom, and I all drove down to Jacksonville NC to spend Thanksgiving with Jessie and Danny. Jessie and I drove to Sam's club to get some groceries, we went past a small pond and I saw my first Buffleheads! I did not take that picture- my little camera isn't THAT good, but I found an online pic to share because they are so beautiful! They are the smallest diving duck-I recognized them because of the work I've done at

Thanksgiving was fun-My Dad surprised us all and was able to join us. Jessie and Danny have a really cute home, but they are leaving it soon to go to Spain for a few years-must save my pennies so I can go see them! I really slacked off and didn't take any pictures-but Danny took some on their new camera-if either of you are reading this can you resend them? Hotmail does NOT like their format. Thanks!

Friday, November 21, 2008

A busy week

Here are some random shots of Ethan taken this week. In this one he has found some toothpaste, and bitten all the tires off of a Schneider truck toy my parents had given him. Meanwhile I was trying to get dinner started, and feeling thankful for the few minutes of peace I had. Little did I know...

Here he is having a BLAST in a box filled with packing material. He had so much fun with this-throwing everything out was the best part. Did you know that packing peanuts can be squeezed between your fingers and disintigrate into zillions of tiny pieces? Neither did I 'till Ethan proved it was possible.

Here is Ethan when I went in to get him from a "supposed" nap. Yeah-he took off his p.j.'s, and the diaper, moved his bed to the middle of the room, took the baby wipes out of the childproof dresser drawer, ripped the top off them and took them all out of the package. He kind of throws a party where ever he goes. Maybe when he's older this'll be a good trait?

Here is Ethan on a day when he really didn't want to take his nap-he had protested and partied hard for a while. I went in to see if he was asleep and this is what I found...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Picture Day

Two weeks ago was picture day at the daycare where Ethan goes for a few hours a week. So I got him all dressed up cute and drove him over, on the way I realized that if he wouldn't sit still or was running around, it wouldn't be a bad thing cuz it would save us money if the pictures weren't great and we didn't buy them. Well, my always on the go, never sit still or hold still while I try to take pictures was an absolute perfect picture taking model of a child. Seriously my jaw was on the floor. The boy sat, held a pose, looked straight at the camera, smiled and I just knew this was going to be an expensive photo shoot. Ka-Ching! Here is a link

Warning: Prepare yourself for serious blinding cuteness....Sunglasses are recommended.

More Pictures

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Farmer's Cow

This morning Nathan finished off a 1/2 gallon of The Farmer's Cow 2% milk, then exclaimed, "This milk has crack in it!" He went on to explain that it was so good-there had to be something in it. And it couldn't really be 2%, it just tasted too good. We are going through 3 1/2 gallons a week-when I buy a gallon of regular milk I end up having to make pudding with it before it goes bad. Here is their website One of their 6 CT dairy farms is right here in Woodstock, by the fairgrounds. There is a white house next to the red barn with an open sign-I always just drove by assuming it had silly mom and pop store hours. One day last month we needed milk, and I was driving by, so I just thought I'd stop and see what their hours were. They are open 24/7! I couldn't believe it-that is so convenient now for Nate to stop in and pick some up on his way home. There is a refigerator with milk, cream, cider and lemonade, with the prices posted. The milk is $3.00, which is about a dollar cheaper then when I buy this milk at the store. There is a box on a table you put your money in, and if you don't have change, or enough, there's a pad of paper and a pen for you to write an IOU. How cool is that! But that's not even the best can go pet the baby calves. Last time we were there petting the calves, the farmer walked up, thanked us for buying his milk, and invited us to stay and see the milking start up in a few minutes. So, you get you local, fresh, organic milk-cheaper than in the store-and a field trip all at once!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day Fun

Today was a great day. Ethan and I met some of our ward friends at the Lutz Children's Museum in Manchester. All the kids had fun inside, and it was nice enough that we were able to take them outside to play also! Here are some pictures:

After Ethan's nap, we drove over to the town hall to vote. Ethan had a great time flirting with the old people in line and helping me fill in the circles. For the first time in my life, I voted for the Democratic candidate. I think he is the better choice for several reasons, one of which is the fact the Bob the Builder is among his campaign advisors. Can we fix it? Yes we can!