Yesterday Ethan and I had fun painting on the kitchen table. Ethan especially enjoyed mixing the colors into one bowl. Had I known that I could have saved time and not mixed up seperate bowls of red, green and purple paint. I used powdered milk, water and food coloring to make the paint. Q tips and the ends of a carrot and celery were brushes. I was cooking dinner at the same time, waste not want not you know. Ethan pronounces paint as hate. This morning when Ethan woke up I heard happy humming noises coming from his room-almost always a sign of trouble. I opened his door to find that he had pushed his bed over to the window and had his head under the window blinds-I thought he was looking at the freshly fallen snow. Then I heard, "hate off" and realized he was busily chipping the paint(lead-filled I'm sure) from the window sill. Time to cut those little finger(nail)s off.
6 days ago
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