Ethan emptied his closet and two bottles of lavender baby wash during his nap today. Which prompted my 2nd call to the Poison Control Center in 1 week. 18002221222 in case you're wondering. No, they won't call DCF on me for calling so much, I asked. Seriously, both times, I had no proof Ethan the Heathen had actually ingested anything. It was purely circumstantial evidence. So you don't need to call on me either. We are putting a lock on that closet door this weekend. And looking for an inexpensive wireless camera so I can see what exactly he's up to in there. He also found a Thomas the Tank Engine train set in there. "Play this! Play this!" is what I heard until I had the tracks assembled. Ethan even picked his Thomas pajamas to wear for the occasion. I SWEAR the scrapbooker in me had nothing to do with that choice. Here he is...
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