Turns out my neighbor's rooster is behaving very badly and has started attacking the hens. His days are numbered, I think.
Then I tried to take Ethan to the Providence Children's Museum, armed with 3 sets of directions I thought surely I could find the place. Um, no. I HATE (insert very, very bad word here) Providence. I am following directions, I know where I am, I see Providence Place Mall, Federal Hill, the PPAC, I got off the right exit, and am looking for a specific road to turn on, however there are no street signs. So I end up on 6 West, then I get off to get back on 6 East, and try again. And again. Finally I just take 6 West back home. I am crying at this point, and Ethan is sobbing..."Go Museum Now" over and over.
When I get home its time to start making the frosting for the carrot cake I'm making for my friend Lona's baby shower. I turn around to find Ethan "helping" me. He opened both the sugar and flour containers and is happily using a measuring cup to dump flour into the sugar container. Here he is caught in the act:
Finally I got Ethan down for a nap so I can clean up my house-because the shower is here so I have to clean! So I deep cleaned and finished frosting the cake, and stressed thinking I may have to ask the sisters to use a bucket to flush the toilet because its not all going down, either due to mineral buildup or a loose flapper which Brother Fountain talked me through, step-by-step, how to fix 2 hours before the ladies were due to arrive. Thank you Brother Fountain! So between the chicken greeting my guests(no offense Paige-I love your chickens!) as they walk up to the house, and the possibility of having to hand them a bucket of water to flush the toilet, I am feeling like a hick from the sticks, seriously cue the Green Acres music here. Thankfully it all goes well and here is a picture we took before they all went home:
1 comment:
I think of him as a budding foodie and think his desire to help in the kitchen is great!
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