Miracles did, and still do happen. This I know, and today I had one of my own. I woke up this morning with the sun shining on my face and a general feeling of happiness. I thought this was really odd, since I went to bed at 1:30 in the morning in tears with worry over my impending talk. I have never had such a hard time preparing for a talk, or felt so not sure of what direction to take it. I had prepared fervently, and prayed a lot that I would know and be able to say what the Lord would have me say. As I took my seat in the stand I had pages of notes in my hands, but still not one clue as to what I would say. When it was finally time for my talk, I was shaking the entire time, but I felt peaceful and the direction I needed to go, and what I needed to say all came to me. Many times I wasn't even looking at my notes, and I recalled the scriptural references as if I was telling a story. I have never had so many people comment on a talk I've given. Jenny Elliot even said that in Primary, the children remembered my talk and that it helped in the Sharing Time. To everyone who commented or complimented me on that talk, I replied that it wasn't me. I know I had help from above, and I had lived the promise given in Doctrines & Covenants section 84, verse 85.
"Neither take ye thought beforehand what ye shall say; but treasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man."After church we went to the Elliots for an Easter egg hunt and then dinner. Ethan had a lot of fun finding the eggs. He would pick up each egg, inspect it, open it and then put it in his bucket. Here are some pictures...

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