Saturday, March 7, 2009


I have been tagged by my friend Lona!

I'm supposed to list 5 non important facts about myself...

1. I wish I could sing. I just move my lips in church...

2. I would be happy as a nudist. Maybe a reclusive solitary nudist. I am VERY uncomfortable talking to people. I try though, so if I've ever come off rude or short with you, its not you, it's me. Really.

3. Sometimes I love my son the most when he is asleep.

4. I wonder why God made me so not pretty, seriously beautiful people who can also sing make me sick. Don't you think He could have spread the pretty/talented genes around a bit more?

5. I HATE to sleep. I would love to take a pill so I didn't have to, because then I could maybe get everything done.

Okay now I tag 5 others...

1. Afton S
2. Jenny C
3. Jenny E
4. Jessica W
5. Andee B


King Family said...

You are so beautiful inside and out! I too hate to sleep. Unfortunately it's a necessity. Otherwise, I would prefer to do w/out it.

Unknown said...

It pains me to have you think you are not pretty. You were a beautiful child and have grown into a beautiful woman. You are one of the 5 most beautiful women I know.
